Developing a Database of Chinese Mathematical Texts

Conference Poster "Charting the European D-SEA: Digital Scholarship in East Asian Studies"

On July 12, Florian Keßler will present the sin-aps database at the Conference Charting the European D-SEA: Digital Scholarship in East Asian Studies organised by the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science and the Staatsbibliotkek zu Berlin.

The relational database was developed with HEURIST as a searchable bibliographic platform for sources and secondary literature on Chinese pre-modern mathematical texts, which allows to locate digital reproductions and versions.

Due to the highly practical nature of Digital Scholarship, the conference starts with 14 workshops over the course of 3 days (July 8-10). Each of the 3-hour workshops is led by experts introducing key digital methods or projects to showcase their results. See the complete program and abstracts here