China and Universal Languages in the Early 20th Century

Universal Language scheme Nepo

At the 25th Biennial Conference of the European Association for Chinese Studies (EACS) in Tallinn, Estonia (August 27-30th, 2024), a panel on China and Universal Languages in the Early 20th Century is organized by Prof. Andrea Bréard and Prof. Josh Fogel from York University, Toronto. There will be four speakers in the panel:

  1. Andrea Bréard (FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg): Putting Chinese Characters (logically) in Place: Giovanni Vacca’s (1872–1953) Schemes for Character Decomposition
  2. Joshua A. Fogel (York University): The Emergence of Esperanto Movements in China and Japan
  3. Gotelind Müller-Saini (University of Heidelberg): Universal Language, World Language, or International Language? Reflections on Chinese Discussions on Esperanto and its Role in the Early 20th Century
  4. Uluǧ Kuzuoǧlu (Washington University, St. Louis): Telegraphy, Esperanto, and the Origins of Phonetic Symbols

We hope you will join this great conference! The complete program can be found here.