
During the summer term 2022 the IKGF organizes a lecture series on the Consortium's theme Fate, Freedom and Prognostication. Strategies for Coping with the Future in East Asia and Europe. It takes place on Tuesdays, 6:15 pm–7:45 pm CEST (US East Coast: 12:15 pm–1:45 pm EDT; China: 0:15 am–1:45 am...

Category: Event, Seminars, Summer term 2022

The Long Night of Sciences is one of the largest scientific communication events in the Nuremberg metropolitan region and the largest Long Night of its kind in Germany. More than 20,000 people will visit the various scientific institutions in the region, starting with the children’s programme in the afternoon and continuing with the programme aimed at adults from 6pm, with tours through the laboratories and institutes giving the general public the opportunity to discover what researchers at FAU, Max Planck & co are currently working on.

Category: Event, News

Bundesforschungsministerin Bettina Stark-Watzinger und der Präsident der Humboldt-Stiftung Hans-Christian Pape verleihen am 12. Mai 2022 Deutschlands höchstdotierten Forschungspreis, die Alexander von Humboldt-Professuren. 21 Spitzenforschende werden in Berlin mit Deutschlands höchstdotiertem intern...

Category: Event, News

Histoire & Mesure : Enjeux épistémologiques et perspectives analytiques dans une perspective transpériode Mercredi 23 février 2022 de 9h30 à 17h30   Cette journée d’études, organisée par Alessandro Stanziani (ESOPP-GRHEN), est consacrée aux relations entre la mesure et l’histoire. L’hi...

Category: Event, News

We invite proposals for a conference which will explore the life of numerically framed knowledge from a global historical perspective on quantification. It is based on the assumption that numbers have their own biographies and are not simply the objective reflection of reality but socially, politica...

Category: Event, News

At the First Meeting of the Regional Group 'FRANKEN' of the Deutsche Gesellschaft der Humboldtianer (DGHV), Prof. Andrea Bréard will present a talk on The Challenges of Interdisciplinarity, or how to combine mathematics with sinology? When: Thursday, 28.10.2021 at 6 pm (until about 8 pm) Where: Au...

Category: Event, News