
In his book Trust in Numbers, Ted Porter said that journalists and officials “have very limited ability” to rework the contingent statistical categories into different ones. This observation could strike a chord with those who saw how Western news (and Chinese social media) responded to China’s deci...

Category: News, Statistical Snippets

The Chair for Sinology with a Focus on the Intellectual and Cultural History of China is currently hiring a working student. You will join the sin-aps project for the design and implementation of a database containing bibliographical information for Chinese mathematical texts. For more details, see ...

Category: Jobs, News

The 16th International Conference on the History of Science in East Asia (16th ICHSEA) took place in Frankfurt am Main, Germany, 21st-25th August 2023. It was organised under the auspices of Goethe-University, Frankfurt am Main, on behalf of the International Society for the History of East Asian Sc...

Category: Event, News

The research group on philosophical translation at Humboldt University under direction of Prof. Dr. Michael Beaney (UNIVERSITY OF ABERDEEN AND HUMBOLDT-UNIVERSITÄT ZU BERLIN) has organized a "Workshop on Philosophical Translation" on July 8, 2023. Prof. Andrea Bréard will present a paper with the ti...

Category: Event, News

Prof. Dr. Andrea Bréard will moderate a roundtable discussion on Mapping and modelling behaviours and economies with the participation of two renowned speakers, Prof. Dr. Carlos Alós-Ferrer (NOMIS Professorship, Zurich Center for Neuroeconomics, Universität Zürich) and Prof. Dr. Steven Sloman (Cogni...

Category: Event, News