
Prof. Dr. Andrea Bréard interviendra dans la deuxième journée d'étude organisée par la revue Histoire & Mesure sur « Liang Qichao (1873-1929), l’introduction de la notion de “statistiques historiques” 歷史統計學 et l’abondance des sources en Chine ». Quantification, sources et administration de la...

Category: Event, News

The Chair for Sinology with a Focus on the Intellectual and Cultural History of China is currently hiring three post-docs pursuing research in relation to the themes of the sin-aps project. Both research fields, Quantification from Europe to East Asia and The Language of Algorithmic Mathematics are ...

Category: Jobs, News

On April 2, 2022, the press conference for the “4th Report on the Development of Autism Education and Rehabilitation in China” saw the release of new statistical data on autism in the country. Experts present on the occasion confirmed that autism prevalence in the country is on the rise, and is esti...

Category: News

Im Jahr 2022 wendet sich die Vortragsreihe Wissenschaft unter Druck der ersten Medienrevolution zu. Die Wiedererfindung des Buchdrucks mit beweglichen Lettern von Johannes Gutenberg in der Mitte des 15. Jahrhunderts ist ohne Zweifel eine der größten und einflussreichsten technischen Errungenschaften...

Category: Event, News

The sudden decision by China’s National Bureau of Statistics to delay indefinitely the release of G.D.P. and other economic statistics while the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China takes place in Beijing has created much consternation among financial analysts and economic observer...

Category: News, Statistical Snippets