Prof. Dr. Andrea Bréard
Studying mathematics, computer science, and sinology in Munich and Shanghai led me almost naturally to the interface between mathematics and sinology, with research topics ranging from ancient times to the 21st century. I have recently completed a book manuscript which is an annotated translation and bilingual edition of Li Shanlan’s 李善蘭 number theoretical book written entirely in natural language, the Analogical Categories of Discrete Accumulations 垛積比類 from 1876. Within Sin-aps, I am, among others, developing a project on the quantification of “race” in 20th century China (see an abstract of my recent article here).
- the role of quantification in science, state, and society in terms of its global and conceptual entanglements in modern China
- the study of modalities of reasoning with numbers, not in the sense of Euclidean proof, but culturally in the sense of embedding socially and statistically constructed numbers in narratives in pre-modern and modern China
- the politicization and instrumentalization, as well as the cultural relevance of only seemingly neutral, objective mathematics in China in a global perspective (19th to 21st centuries)
- the algorithmic language of mathematics, especially its formal character
- the statistical analysis of records of numbers on oracle bones for the reconstitution of divinatory techniques in Chinese antiquity
- Andrea Bréard: Mitgliedschaft Nationale Akademie der Wissenschaften Leopoldina – 2021
- Andrea Bréard: Alexander von Humboldt-Professur (Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung) – 2021
- Andrea Bréard: Corresponding Member, International Academy of the History of Science (International Academy of the History of Science) – 2015
- Andrea Bréard: Prix des Jeunes Historiens, Académie Internationale d’Histoire des Sciences (Académie Internationale d’Histoire des Sciences) – 1999
- Andrea Bréard: Prix de thèse, Fondation Sino-Française pour l'Education et la Culture (Fondation Sino-Française pour l'Education et la Culture) – 1998
- Board Member of the European Association of Chinese Studies (EACS)
(Other activitiy (FAU-external))
since 29. August 2024, URL: - Executive Board of the University
(Membership in representative bodies / functions (FAU-internal))
1. April 2024 - 31. March 2027 - Commission on Study & Teaching (Presidency)
(Membership in representative bodies / functions (FAU-internal))
1. April 2024 - 31. March 2027 - Central Board on Disposition of the Tuition Fees (Membership)
(Membership in representative bodies / functions (FAU-internal))
1. April 2024 - 31. March 2027 - Accreditation review committee (Presidency)
(Membership in representative bodies / functions (FAU-internal))
1. April 2024 - 31. March 2027 - Conceptualizing ‘One’ (一): Working Towards a ‘Unified’ Understanding
(Organisation of a congress / conference)
24. January 2024 - 26. January 2024, Erlangen, URL:ä¸/ - Trilateral conference "Sinology Networks: Interdisciplinarv Spaces for China Studies (III)"
(Organisation of a congress / conference)
18. October 2023 - 21. October 2023, Villa Vigoni, Via Giulio Vigoni 1, 22017 Menaggio (CO), URL: - Zhouyi Studies (Member of editorial board)
(Editorship of a scientific journal)
since 1. October 2023, URL: - Central Board on Disposition of the Tuition Fees (Membership)
(Membership in representative bodies / functions (FAU-internal))
1. October 2023 - 31. March 2024 - Chinese Culture (Member of editorial board)
(Editorship of a scientific journal)
since 1. September 2023, URL: - Vice-President of the International Society for the History of East Asian Science, Technology and Medicine (ISHEASTM)
(Other activitiy (FAU-external))
since 24. August 2023, URL: - Management Board / Speaker of a FAU-Central Institute
(Membership in representative bodies / functions (FAU-internal))
since 30. January 2023 - Approaches to the Logic and Syntax of Mathematical Texts
(Organisation of a congress / conference)
5. December 2022 - 8. December 2022, Erlangen, URL: - Trilateral conference "Sinology Networks: Interdisciplinary Spaces for China Studies (II)"
(Organisation of a congress / conference)
17. October 2022 - 20. October 2022, Villa Vigoni, Via Giulio Vigoni 1,22017 Menaggio (CO), URL: - FAU Studies and Sources in Sinology (FAU University Press) (Associate Editor)
(Editorship of a scientific journal)
since 1. October 2022 - Biographies of Numbers
(Organisation of a congress / conference)
7. July 2022 - 9. July 2022, Erlangen, URL: - Management Board / Speaker of a FAU-Central Institute
(Membership in representative bodies / functions (FAU-internal))
1. June 2022 - 23. October 2024, Lehrstuhl für Dynamics, Control, Machine Learning and Numerics (Alexander von Humboldt-Professur) - Trilateral conference "Sinology Networks: Interdisciplinary Spaces for China Studies (I)"
(Organisation of a congress / conference)
19. October 2021 - 21. October 2021, Villa Vigoni, Via Giulio Vigoni 1, 22017 Menaggio (CO), URL: - Histoire et Mesure (Member of editorial board)
(Editorship of a scientific journal)
since 1. May 2020, URL: - Revue d’histoire des mathématiques (Member of editorial board)
(Editorship of a scientific journal)
since 1. October 2019, URL: - International Journal of Divination and Prognostication (Member of editorial board)
(Editorship of a scientific journal)
1. June 2019 - 15. July 2023 - Techniques of Prediction I: Chronomancy
(Organisation of a congress / conference)
7. May 2013 - 8. May 2013, Senatssaal im Schloss, Schlossplatz 4, 91054 Erlangen
Subproject KoWinChi@FAU
(Third Party Funds Group – Sub project)
Overall project: Kompetent wissenschaftlich interagieren mit China
Term: 1. September 2023 - 31. August 2026
Funding source: BMBF / VerbundprojektCooperation with China is indispensable in many scientific disciplines. Chinese scientists today conduct research at an international level. Especially in natural science, the education of young Chinese scientists is often outstanding. In addition, Chinese institutions offer attractive research opportunities. Research cooperation with China therefore takes place today on an equal footing. At the same time, cooperation has become more complex because it takes place against the background of increased economic competition and system rivalry. Economic competition leads to concerns regarding intellectual property rights, industrial espionage or dual-use technologies. System rivalry raises questions about the safety of foreign scientists in China, the protection of freedom of expression, and academic freedom in general. The existing differences in scientific culture and academic socialization pose significant challenges for cooperation and the training of young Chinese scientists in Germany. Against this background, the project „Competence in Research Cooperation with China" (KoWinChi) aims to prepare scientists and science support staff at universities and research institutions for cooperation with China.
The project is developing a modular system of training units that encourage interaction and exchange. The persons in the target groups can select modules to put together an individual training plan. The modules can be embedded in existing training programs of the participating universities and science organizations or combined to form a certificate.
The aim of the sub-project is to develop the social science content of the modules in close cooperation with the project partner and to ensure the marketing and evaluation of the concept.
Sinology - algorithms, prediction and statistics
(Third Party Funds Single)
Term: 1. February 2021 - 31. January 2026
Funding source: Humboldt-Stiftung / Alexander von Humboldt-Professur
URL: -
Internationaler Preis für Forschung in Deutschland - Frau Prof. Breard
(Third Party Funds Single)
Term: 1. February 2021 - 31. January 2026
Funding source: Humboldt-Stiftung / Alexander von Humboldt-Professur -
China Knowledge Networks
(Non-FAU Project)
Term: 1. January 2020 - 31. December 2024
Funding source: Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG), andere Förderorganisation
URL: trilaterales Vorhaben ist wissenschafts- und disziplingeschichtlich: es betrifft Akteure des Wissenstransfers mit China seit Mitte des 19. Jhds. Sie werden in ihren komplexen Identitäten und globalen Netzwerken verstanden, die zur Schaffung von Wissen in beiden Richtungen beigetragen haben und durch Übersetzungsprozesse die Universalität (und Lokalität) der Wissenschaften konstruiert haben. Dies erlaubt 1. zu untersuchen, inwiefern diese Prozesse die „Sinologien“ sowohl in China als auch in Europa disziplinär differenziert haben und 2. die Sinologien Frankreichs, Deutschlands und Italiens wieder einander näher zu bringen.
Authored Books
- Bréard A.:
LI SHANLAN. Catégories analogues d'accumulations discrètes
Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 2023
(Bibliothèque Chinoise, Vol.40)
ISBN: 978-2-251-45491-7
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Nine Chapters on Mathematical Modernity. Essays on the Global Historical Entanglements of the Science of Numbers in China
Cham: Springer, 2019
ISBN: 9783319936949
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-93695-6
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Re-Kreation eines mathematischen Konzeptes im chinesischen Diskurs: ‘Reihen’ vom 1. bis zum 19. Jahrhundert
Stuttgart: Steiner Verlag, 1999
(Boethius, Vol.42)
ISBN: 978-3-515-07451-3
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Edited Volumes
- Bréard A., Wang 王 Y幼., Hu 胡 X小. (ed.):
Peking 北京: 2020
(中华生物医学统计大辞典 (Chinese Dictionaries of Biology, Medicine, and Statistics))
ISBN: 9787503794322
BibTeX: Download - Bréard A. (ed.):
Chimie et Révolution. La chimie au lendemain des révolutions. De l’après-Lavoisier à Gay-Lussac à l’Ecole polytechnique
Palaiseau: 2012
(Bulletin de la SABIX, Vol. 50)
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Journal Articles
- Bréard A.:
Divination with Hexagrams as Combinatorial Practice
In: Zhouyi Studies 1 (2024), p. 171-189
ISSN: 2993-0782
DOI: 10.3726/ZhouyiStudies11_171
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Reconstructing Giovanni Vacca's Collection in the Vatican Library. A Window into Mathematical Books in China (1907-1908)
In: Vatican Library Review 2 (2023), p. 53-74
ISSN: 2772-8633
DOI: 10.1163/27728641-00201001
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Arunabh Ghosh, Making it Count: Statistics and Statecraft in the Early People’s Republic of China
In: East Asian Science, Technology, and Medicine 54 (2022), p. 323-327
ISSN: 1562-918X
DOI: 10.1163/26669323-20220007
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Charlotte-V Pollet, The Empty and the Full: Li Ye and the Way of Mathematics. Geometrical Procedures by Sections of Areas
In: East Asian Science, Technology and Society 16 (2022), p. 136-139
ISSN: 1875-2160
DOI: 10.1080/18752160.2021.2020998
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«History of Science and Technology in China»: une histoire vue de l’intérieur de la Chine
In: Revue des Questions Scientifiques 193 (2022), p. 157-164
ISSN: 0035-2160
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Numbers and Narratives — or : When Russell meets Zhu Shijie to discuss Philosophy of Mathematics
In: Laval Theologique et Philosophique 78 (2022), p. 365–384
ISSN: 0023-9054
DOI: 10.7202/1097879ar
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Overlapping Cosmologies in Asia : Transcultural and Interdisciplinary Approaches / edited by M. Mak Bill and Eric Huntington. – Leiden: Brill, 2022
In: Revue des Questions Scientifiques (2022), p. 463 – 465
ISSN: 0035-2160
Open Access:
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Wu Dingliang (1894–1969) and the Statistical Definition of a Chinese Race
In: Histoire et Mesure 37 (2022), p. 71-98
ISSN: 0982-1783
DOI: 10.4000/histoiremesure.15764
BibTeX: Download - Bréard A., Cook CA.:
Cracking bones and numbers: solving the enigma of numerical sequences on ancient Chinese artifacts
In: Archive For History of Exact Sciences 74 (2020), p. 313-343
ISSN: 0003-9519
DOI: 10.1007/s00407-019-00245-9
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(Philo-)Logica-Mathematica – Giovanni Vacca's (1872-1953) attempts of translation between mathematical formulas and Chinese text via simplified Latin
In: Geschichte der Germanistik 55/56 (2019), p. 16 - 33
ISSN: 1613-0758
DOI: 10.5771/9783835343740-16
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Euclide en Chine ou: comment faire communiquer différentes cultures mathématiques ?
In: Repères 109 (2017), p. 5 - 22
ISSN: 1157-285X
Open Access:
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Imagined Civilizations: China, the West, and Their First Encounter by Roger Hart
In: Mathematical Intelligencer 38 (2016), p. 80-82
ISSN: 0343-6993
DOI: 10.1007/s00283-015-9598-x
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What Diagrams Argue in Late Imperial Chinese Combinatorial Texts
In: Early Science and Medicine 20 (2015), p. 241-264
ISSN: 1573-3823
DOI: 10.1163/15733823-00203p02
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Homo ludens mathematicus: La quantification du hasard dans les pratiques combinatoires en Chine [Homo ludens mathematicus: The Quantification of Chance in Combinatorial Practices in China]
In: Études Chinoises 33 (2014), p. 73--102
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War und ist Mathematik in China anders? Ein Ausblick auf historische Narration und neue Trends
In: Mitteilungen der Mathematischen Gesellschaft in Hamburg 33 (2013)
ISSN: 0340-4358
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In: Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University (Philosophy and Social Sciences) (2010), p. 61-67
ISSN: 1008-7095
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Robert Hart and China's statistical revolution
In: Modern Asian Studies 40 (2006), p. 605 - 629
ISSN: 0026-749X
DOI: 10.1017/S0026749X06002101
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Book Contributions
- Bréard A.:
“Heavenly Patterns” and Everyday Life in a Nutshell: Astronomy in Pre-Modern Chinese Handy Encyclopaedias
In: Aura Heydenreich, Florian Klaeger, Klaus Mecke, Dirk Vanderbeke and Jörn Wilms (ed.): Writing the Heavens: Celestial Observation in Medieval and Early Modern Literature, Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter, 2025, p. 245-270 (Literatur- und Naturwissenschaften, Vol.10)
DOI: 10.1515/9783111610863-013
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Hexagrams and Mathematics: Symbolic Approaches to Prediction from the Song to the Qing
In: Tze-ki Hon (ed.): The Other Yijing. The Book of Changes in Chinese History, Politics, and Everyday Life, Leiden: Brill, 2021, p. 192-220 (Prognostication in History, Vol.8)
ISBN: 978-90-04-50003-7
DOI: 10.1163/9789004500037_009
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Stalk and Other Divination Traditions Prior to the Changes Canon: Views from Newly-Discovered Texts
In: Tze-ki Hon (ed.): The Other Yijing. The Book of Changes in Chinese History, Politics, and Everyday Life, Leiden: Brill, 2021, p. 23-68 (Prognostication in History, Vol.8)
ISBN: 978-90-04-50003-7
DOI: 10.1163/9789004500037_003
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Inductive Arguments in the Midst of Smoke: “Proving” Rhetorically and Visually That Algorithms Work
In: Martin Hofmann, Joachim Kurtz, Ari Daniel Levine (ed.): Powerful Arguments - Standards of Validity in Late Imperial China, Leiden: Brill, 2020, p. 234-276 (Sinica Leidensia, Vol.146)
ISBN: 9789004423626
DOI: 10.1163/9789004423626_007
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In: Howard Chiang (ed.): Human Sciences in China, Brill, 2019, p. 303–336 (China Studies, Vol.40)
ISBN: 9789004397620
DOI: 10.1163/9789004397620_017
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400 Millionen - Globale Wirkungen einer mächtigen Zahl
In: Haas, Stefan; Schneider, Michael C.; Bilo, Nicolas (ed.): Die Zählung der Welt. Kulturgeschichte der Statistik vom 18. bis 20. Jahrhundert, Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag, 2019, p. 215 - 232 (Studien zur Alltags- und Kulturgeschichte, Vol.32)
ISBN: 978-3-515-12117-0
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How to quantify the value of domino combinations? Divination and shifting rationalities in late imperial China
In: Michael Lackner (ed.): Coping with the Future, Brill Academic Publishers, 2018, p. 499-529 (Sinica Leidensia, Vol.138)
DOI: 10.1163/9789004356788_020
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Numbers as Signs. Recreative reflections on conceptual entanglements between mathematics, divination and language in the modern era
In: Iwo Amelung, Joachim Kurtz (ed.): Reading the Signs: Language, History, and Prognostication. Festschrift for Michael Lackner, München: Iudicium, 2018, p. 429 - 453
ISBN: 978-3-86205-615-6
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Das Verhältnis von indischer, arabischer und westlicher Mathematik zueinander – ist die Mathematik kulturabhängig?
In: Otfried Höffe, Jörg Hacker (ed.): Wissenschaften im interkulturellen Dialog – Sciences in the Intercultural Dialogue, Halle: Deutsche Akademie der Naturforscher Leopoldina – Nationale Akademie der Wissenschaften, 2017, p. 81 - 98 (Nova Acta Leopoldina, Vol.414)
ISBN: 978-3-8047-3705-1
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Meng Sen and Shen Linyi: two actors, two careers in the history of modern statistics in China
In: Catherine Jami (ed.): Human Mobility and the Circulation of Scientific and Technical Knowledge in Late Imperial China, Paris: Collège de France, Institut des Hautes Études Chinoises, 2017, p. 267 - 293 (Bibliothèque de l'Institut des Hautes Études Chinoises, Vol.XXXIX)
ISBN: 978-2-85757-077-6
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Logik und Universalsprache - Leibniz’ Ideen 200 Jahre später
In: Martin Grötschel, Eberhard Knobloch, Juliane Schiffers, Mimmi Woisnitza, Günter M. Ziegler (ed.): Vision als Aufgabe. Das Leibniz-Universum im 21. Jahrhundert, Berlin: Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften, 2016, p. 277 - 297
ISBN: 978-3-939818-67-0
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History of mathematics education in East Asia in premodern times
In: Alexander Karp, Gert Schubring (ed.): Handbook on the History of Mathematics Education, New York: Springer, 2014, p. 153-174
ISBN: 978-1-4614-9154-5
DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4614-9155-2_8
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On the Transmission of Mathematical Knowledge in Versified Form in China
In: Alain Bernard, Christine Proust (ed.): Scientific Sources and Teaching Contexts Throughout History: Problems and Perspectives, Dordrecht: Springer Nature, 2014, p. 155-185 (Boston Studies in the Philosophy and History of Science, Vol.301)
ISBN: 978-94-007-5121-7
DOI: 10.1007/978-94-007-5122-4_7
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In: Robin Wilson, John J. Watkins (ed.): Combinatorics: Ancient and Modern, Oxford University Press, 2013, p. 65-82
ISBN: 9780199656592
DOI: 10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199656592.003.0003
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Usages et destins des savoirs mathématiques dans les Encyclopédies aux dix mille trésors des Ming
In: Annick Horiuchi (ed.): Pratiques lettrées au Japon et en Chine XVIIe-XIXe siècle, 2011, p. 103 - 123 (Études Japonaises, Vol.V)
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Knowledge and Practice of Mathematics in Late Ming Daily life Encyclopedias
In: Florence Bretelle-Establet (ed.): Looking at it from Asia: the Processes that Shaped the Sources of History of Science, Springer, 2010, p. 305-329 (Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science book series, Vol.265)
DOI: 10.1007/978-90-481-3676-6_10
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Conference Contributions
- Bréard A.:
Surveying the Coast: Theory and Practice as Reflected in Mathematical Sources and Maps
海洋、空間意識與文化交會: 第二屆輿圖學國際學術研討會 (Oceans, Consciousness of Space and Cultural Interflow: The Second International Symposium of Cartography) (Institute of Taiwan History at Academia Sinica, National Palace Museum and National Tsing-Hua University, 27. November 2012 - 29. November 2012)
DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.1.4622.6007
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A summation algorithm from 11th century China. Possible relations between structure and argument
4th Conference on Computability in Europe, CiE 2008 (, 15. June 2008 - 20. June 2008)
In: Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) 2008
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-540-69407-6_8
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- Bréard A.:
Reform, Bureaucratic Expansion and Production of Numbers: Statistics in China at the Turn of the 20th Century (Habilitation, 2008)
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- Bréard A.:
Jean-Claude Martzloff: Le calendrier chinois: structure et calculs (104 av. J.-C.-1644). Indétermination céleste et réforme permanente. La construction chinoise officielle du temps quotidien discret à partir d’un temps mathématique caché, linéaire et continu
In: Historia Mathematica 39 (2012), p. 335-338
ISSN: 0315-0860
DOI: 10.1016/
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